About Wildcats Soccer

Wildcats soccer is for all Westlake school district students, 3rd to 8th grade.  Children from other school districts are allowed to join our club under certain circumstances.  It is the clubs intention to place every child interested in playing on a team. Team formation will based on interest per age group.  Our goal is to form teams based on a single age, i.e. all 8 year olds.  Mixed aged teams will be formed with an age gap of only one year.

Each team will have a professional trainer who will run every practice and attend most games.  However, each team must have a parent assistant coach on the roster.  Our preference is that there are two parent assistant coaches. It is a requirement that at least one parent coach be present at each practice and game to help deal with a possible injury or behavioral issue.  Trainers will attend most games.  Parent assistant coaches will be responsible for managing the games that trainers can’t attend.  Parent assistant coaches are required to register and complete WYSL mandatory training requirements and background checks.



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